Saturday, February 28, 2009

QC Trash

It's not really surprising, but I was surprised just the same. Filipinos are Pinoys, wherever they are. Many of us just leave our trash behind as if we always expect some other people to take care of them.

As I have written a few pieces ago, the Quezon Memorial Circle is undergoing a lot of facelifting, including new concrete picnic tables, trash bins, decorative fountains and park benches. But the old bad habits, like all other bad habits, do not die easily.

Park-goers enjoy sharing their early morning coffee and breakfast on the picnic tables, but some just leave their refuse behind without regard for others who will use the same picnic tables.

My dad, who is twelve years shy of his centenary, insists that this is due to the fact that Good Manners and Right Conduct is no longer a vital component of early education, unlike the school system during the American period. Quite a long time ago, of course.

But there must be something to what he is saying - if you were taught and you learned early how to dispose of your trash properly - you will most likely do the same thing the rest of your life.

GMRC is part of what I refer to as the 5 Rs of basic education - Responsible Citizenship, along with Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmeric and Research.

Come to think of it, these are the 5 Rs of lifelong education.

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