Monday, February 9, 2009


What should usually take me about two or three minutes to travel took me more than an hour. I refer to the northbound section of C-5 road (or highway) from the point where the service road to Market! Market! begins to Kalayaan Avenue.

Some bright guys are at it again. It looks like they are building another elevated U-turn facility opposite the one which is now in operation.

"Sorry for the inconvenience" is the sign that one usually sees in construction areas such as this but I don't seem to have seen such signs there. Perhaps, the builders prefer something like: "Grin and Bear It".

The C-5-Kalayaan intersection is probably one ideal place to try my concept of "managing traffic by culture", utilizing the Pinoy value of "pantay-pantay". Give each side 15 seconds, 30 seconds or a full minute, depending on the time of day. When one side is given the green light, all vehicles crossing, turning left or turning right may go within the time allotted. Then the next side can go, given an equal time, then the next side, and so on.

When motorists realize that each side is given equal time (pantay-pantay) they will be most willing to wait for their turn, I think.

This is a better way of "educating" motorists rather than "herding" them through U-turn slots, elevated or not. Of course, under the pantay-pantay system, there will perhaps be nothing "for the boys" because there is nothing to construct.

Jun Lozada's tong-pats or bukol will be sidelined. Not an attractive idea?

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